This past weekend, hubby and I were in Oxnard, CA--our old stomping ground. Yes, back in the day we did do quite a bit of stomping. Hubby was in the Seabees, stationed at Port Hueneme Navy Base for many years. We lived about two blocks from the main gate for over twenty years in the same neighborhood with many other servicemen, police officers, and firemen. (Most of us bought our homes for $100 down. Now you can figure out how many years ago this was.)
The occasion that brought us there was the Celebration of the Whales at Channel Islands Harbor. Every weekend there is a Farmer's Market at the harbor, but on this particular weekend they had a craft fair, and that was why I came, to sell my books. We always jump at a chance to do any activity in or around Ventura County as we have two daughters who still live in the area with their families.
We arrived at our eldest daughter's home on Friday afternoon. Had a great visit, Saturday morning we met youngest daughter and granddaughter at the movies, and all of us went out to dinner together that night.
Early Sunday morning we traipsed down to the harbor and the area where the Celebration of the Whales is held. The place bustled with cars and trucks and people putting up their tents and displays. We had the same spot as the year before and quickly set up. Actually, we're not very good at the tent, but someone always comes and helps. The rest is easy, two chairs, a table, tablecloth and my books. I always do well with the Rocky Bluff P.D. series in Oxnard because the books actually came to life because of the Oxnard P.D. While we still lived in Oxnard, our son-in-law was an Oxnard police officer and always told me tales about what went on. And of course we were also friends with our neighbors who were on the Oxnard P.D. and their wives--all material for that series. The latest, of course, is An Axe to Grind.
Before the starting time of 10 a.m., people began strolling by. Hubby and I took turns asking people if they liked to read mysteries and handing out cards. For a good while, though it was an overcast day, it was fairly warm. We talked to many people and sold enough books to pay for the spot and then some.
Eldest daughter, hubby and Archie, their golden retriever, arrived to keep us company. Wasn't long after that the wind came up and blew in off the ocean and it turned chilly. That was the end of people being interested in books--or much of anything else. We packed up about an hour early and headed back to our daughter's.
Was it worth it? Of course. Hopefully I'll have made new fans for both my series who will seek out the other books.
Besides, we had a great time while we were down there.
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