Murder Takes the Cake, the second book in the Sullivan Investigations Mystery series by Evelyn David, has an offical publish date of May, 2009. That's tomorrow!
Actually it feels like Murder Takes the Cake has already been out for six months – that's how long we've been promoting it. Longer still if you consider we had the concept and title picked out two years ago.
We've designed and ordered bookmarks promoting the new book, the series, and The Stiletto Gang. We've sent charity promotion baskets featuring our series to Bouchercon 2008, Mayhem in the Midlands, Murder 203, Malice, etc.
We've sent out emails and flyers to readers and WorldCat-listed libraries who purchased the first book, Murder Off the Books. We've blogged, twittered, myspaced, and facebooked about the book. We've called into radio station programs featuring books about animals.
We did a sneak peek sale at the Love Is Murder Convention in February. We've sold a few advance, autographed copies through our website – http://www.evelyndavid.com and Amazon has been taking pre-orders. But this weekend at Malice, Murder Takes the Cake will be officially launched.
Now the real work begins.
We have to approach bookstores, libraries, clubs, civic organizations, basically anyone who would like a speaker or workshop for their organization and in turn, will give us an opportunity to promo our books. We're busy booking events from now until 2010. If you'd like Evelyn David to speak to your group, email us at evelyn@evelyndavid.com
You can see some of our scheduled events listed on the lower right side of this blog. For a full listing check out our website at http://www.evelyndavid.com
My co-author and I love speaking to library groups – nothing like talking to a group of people who love everything about books. We have a listing of all the libraries we've visited on our Library Hall of Fame section of our website.
On the Saturday before Mother's Day, I'm trying something different. I'll have a small table at Reasor's Grocery Store in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. From 9 am – 2 pm, I'll be competing with the "food sample lady" and the "special on aisle 5" for shoppers' attention. Hey, maybe I could join forces with the "food sample lady!" No, scratch that – I don't want barbeque stains on my book pages. On the other hand someone might think red stains on a murder mystery was a plus. I'll have to think about it.
Wish us luck! The new book mania begins.
Evelyn David
Actually it feels like Murder Takes the Cake has already been out for six months – that's how long we've been promoting it. Longer still if you consider we had the concept and title picked out two years ago.
We've designed and ordered bookmarks promoting the new book, the series, and The Stiletto Gang. We've sent charity promotion baskets featuring our series to Bouchercon 2008, Mayhem in the Midlands, Murder 203, Malice, etc.
We've sent out emails and flyers to readers and WorldCat-listed libraries who purchased the first book, Murder Off the Books. We've blogged, twittered, myspaced, and facebooked about the book. We've called into radio station programs featuring books about animals.
We did a sneak peek sale at the Love Is Murder Convention in February. We've sold a few advance, autographed copies through our website – http://www.evelyndavid.com and Amazon has been taking pre-orders. But this weekend at Malice, Murder Takes the Cake will be officially launched.
Now the real work begins.
We have to approach bookstores, libraries, clubs, civic organizations, basically anyone who would like a speaker or workshop for their organization and in turn, will give us an opportunity to promo our books. We're busy booking events from now until 2010. If you'd like Evelyn David to speak to your group, email us at evelyn@evelyndavid.com
You can see some of our scheduled events listed on the lower right side of this blog. For a full listing check out our website at http://www.evelyndavid.com
My co-author and I love speaking to library groups – nothing like talking to a group of people who love everything about books. We have a listing of all the libraries we've visited on our Library Hall of Fame section of our website.
On the Saturday before Mother's Day, I'm trying something different. I'll have a small table at Reasor's Grocery Store in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. From 9 am – 2 pm, I'll be competing with the "food sample lady" and the "special on aisle 5" for shoppers' attention. Hey, maybe I could join forces with the "food sample lady!" No, scratch that – I don't want barbeque stains on my book pages. On the other hand someone might think red stains on a murder mystery was a plus. I'll have to think about it.
Wish us luck! The new book mania begins.
Evelyn David