Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Clicking Our Heels - Reliving a Moment or Time from Our Pasts

Clicking Our Heels – Reliving a Moment or Time from Our Pasts
Although we often talk about recent things in our lives and writing, the Stiletto Gang members recently contemplated what one moment or time in our lives we would want to relive.
Judy Penz Sheluk – I’d love to go back to high school, knowing what I know now, and knowing that all kids probably felt as lost and nerdy as I did. And I’d write stories down, instead of keeping them in my head for 30 years.
Dru Ann Love - My first day at college – it was so unreal and new to me. I was the first in my family to go to college so it was a big deal. Meeting different people from all socio-economic status and this from a shy person. The very first person I met at college is still my friend today, in fact I just met up with her before a book signing I was attending.

Linda Rodriguez - The years when my children were very small. That time of babies and toddlers and preschoolers goes by so fast, even though at the time, it felt like it was taking forever.
Shari Randall - Putting aside big, important emotional moments like weddings and the births of my children, I think I'd like to go back and relive a research trip I took to the Boston Ballet. I toured their facility from top to bottom, seeing things only the dancers get to see - the dance library, the costume shop, the shoe room. Then I was invited to sit in during company class - an hour long workout with dancers people pay to see, except they were doing a private performance just for me. Magic. It was the fulfillment of a childhood dream.
Kay Kendall - I would like to be 20-something and spend time with each of my four grandparents and my father. I would ask them all the questions about their lives that I have now that I am older that I didn't think to ask them back in the day.
Bethany Maines - There are a few moments in time that I feel like I botched and wish I could do over, but to just relive them as they happened?  I'm not so sure I would want to do that.  I think I'd rather concentrate on making the coming moments great.
Lynn McPherson - I spent a lot of time travelling solo when I was younger. I'd probably go back to that time to do and see even more. Thailand, Indonesia, and London were some of my favorites.

Cathy Perkins - Sure there are a few oops when I'd like a "do-over," but if I could go back and relive a time, it would be spending a day with my mother. Even better, if I could teleport her into the future, I'd introduce her to the wonderful men my daughters married that she never got me meet. But I really think we'd sit by the river and simply enjoy the moment. 
J.A. Phillippe - Oh man -- when I was 21, my family went on vacation to Hawaii for a family friend's wedding. It was sort of the last time we would all be together like that as my brother would pass away later that year unexpectedly. I'd love to go back and relive and enjoy it even more.
Julie Mulhern - There are a few moments of absolute happiness that would be fun to revisit. The call from my agent telling me about multiple offers for The Deep End comes to mind.
T.K. Thorne - Galloping my horse up a hillside, sharing his power and simple joy of running.
Debra H. Goldstein – Selfishly, I’d love to relive every moment of my life – good or bad because I feel like it is passing too quickly. That’s why, I’d go back to a day when I was sent outside to play for an hour before I could come in and read again. It was the longest hour of my life, but now I would enjoy time taking that long to pass.

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