by Linda Rodriguez
The great technique of freewriting (setting a timer and keeping your pen or fingers on the keys moving until it goes off) is one I use often as I
build my novels. It helps me dive deeper into the characters to develop the
often-conflicting motivations that will drive the plot. Freewriting for
character work is not the only way to develop ideas and plot elements for your
book, however. This same technique can be adapted to several other forms of planning
your novel. Other ways to use the
basic freewriting concept are as brainstorming on paper, as a rapid listing
tool, and as what I call thinking on paper, a free-form exercise in
analysis, questioning, and creating possible alternative solutions.
have stressed so heavily that you do this in writing because it is too easy to
believe we are thinking our way through something, only to find, when we have
to write that scene or book, that we were really sort of daydreaming about it.
Writing is thinking on paper. The very act of writing out our questions and
thoughts leads us to answers and new possibilities. Successful speculative
fiction writer, Scott Westerfeld, has explained it the best I’ve seen yet—“You see, paper is magic: Making marks on it
changes your brain. So, don't sit around trying to think your way out of
problems, write your way out of them. The best place to find answers is
on a piece of paper or a glowing phosphorus screen.”
For brainstorming on paper, you begin with a blank sheet of paper
and the timer and a problem or question that you are considering. You set the
timer, and you fill the blank sheet of paper with as many possible solutions or
situations that have the potential to develop solutions as you can. Everyone is
probably familiar with the technique of brainstorming in a group at work or at
school. This is brainstorming by yourself on paper, but you will use the same
rules. No idea should be rejected. Every idea that comes to you should make it
onto your list, no matter how wild or crazy. The time to look at the ideas and
sort out the usable ones comes after the timer goes off and you have finished
your brainstorming.
Try your hand at
brainstorming on paper. Make a list of scenes with great emotional conflict and
intensity that you would like to use in your book, even if you have no idea how
you could fit them into the narrative as you currently envision it. As with all
brainstorming, let the ideas flow without censoring any that seem ridiculous or
impossible. Get at least 15 ideas for emotionally intense scenes down before
you go back and make any judgments about them
For creative listing, you will use a similar technique. Set
the timer and make a list, refusing to reject any item for the list until after
the timer goes off and you are in edit mode. The difference is you will have a
more specific goal in mind for this list. For example, you could make a list of
potential scenes, full of action, drama, and emotion, for your work. Or you
could make a list of potential actions that subsidiary characters could take to
help or hinder your protagonist's goals. Creative listing is a technique that
can be used in many ways. It's quite simple but extremely effective.
The final technique I suggest is thinking
on paper, a free-form exercise in analysis, questioning, and creating possible
alternative solutions. Thinking on paper is the most sophisticated of these
many ways to use the technique of freewriting. In this form, you use
freewriting to range between questioning, listing, some deep character work,
looking for possible solutions to problems, and developing alternatives. You
want to keep asking yourself questions about the problem areas of your book.
This is a
wide-ranging technique with a lot of depth and potential for you to use in many
ways as you write your novel—and later as you revise your novel. It is best if
you build up to this technique by beginning with basic freewriting, moving into
the deep character work, brainstorming, and creative listing. Then, all of
those aspects of this technique are brought together in thinking on paper.
Do you find yourself
already using some of these techniques in your writing?

Rodriguez is past chair of the AWP Indigenous Writer’s
Caucus, past president of Border Crimes chapter of Sisters in Crime, founding
board member of Latino Writers Collective and The Writers Place, and a member
of International Thriller Writers, Native Writers Circle of the Americas,
Wordcraft Circle of Native American Writers and Storytellers, and Kansas City Cherokee
Community. Learn more about her at
I learned your lesson well! I'm freewriting a character on a daily basis. It will come...
ReplyDeleteI love this! One year I gave students pens that said, "Writing is thinking. Write On!" It keeps ideas from getting lost also. The Spanish teacher had a saying that translated to "The shortest pencil is better than the longest memory." Brava!
ReplyDeleteMargaret, I'm so glad you're finding it useful. That kind of daily work will lead to great success.
ReplyDeleteMary, I love the Spanish proverb! I will have to remember it.