Friday, April 12, 2019

Taking a Deep Breath by Debra H. Goldstein

Have you ever lost a week? Been so busy that the days run together? Watched time fly, but felt good as you ticked off each item from your to-do list?

That’s been me this past two months. Between baby showers (yes, we have a new family member coming next month), book babies (One Taste Too Many was published in January 2019, proofs had to go in on Two Bites Too Many, and I am days away from submitting Three Treats Too Many), promoting One Taste Too Many, and getting stuck in airports (24 hours to make a 7 hour trip was the winner), I’ve simply been turning the calendar pages and doing the next task on my list.

For me, it all came to a stop last week. I forgot to post Clicking Our Heels (it was in draft rather than scheduled because of one last change being made), tried to post on the first Monday of the month (which is Linda’s day and on which she already had a marvelous post about Dark Sister: Poems, her nominated book and the awards ceremony she was going to), had my traveling plans from Vancouver extended as previously noted, barely promoted a signing I did in Atlanta two hours after the wedding brunch, and with a day to spare finished and submitted to my agent the draft of my third book in the Sarah Blair series.

Whoa! It was time to take a deep breath. I did. And like a plane coming through the clouds on a day after a heavy rainstorm, everything below me cleared (in the South that means the land was as red as Margaret Mitchell wrote about). There still are many tasks to take care of, but they’ve fallen into place. I’m even reading a book for fun. Best yet, I’m smiling.

How about you? Do you ever plan too much? Ever get overwhelmed without realizing you are in that state? If so, let me know how you handle things because you’re now in my world. 

1 comment:

  1. I deal with things by sitting down with a glass of wine for about 1/2 an hour or so. Helps to relax . . .


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