Thursday, September 19, 2019


We recently returned from a week at the beach (Pacific NW style - no, it does not include bathing suits!) with our kids and granddaughter.

Whew, what a whirlwind! I did, however, edit all 320 pages of my latest novel.

One of the many things we discussed last week was the upcoming holidays and the chaos of coordinating many, many people's schedules.

It gets more complicated as we get older, doesn't it?

But as the holiday season rolls toward high gear, rather than gathering with my family or writing buddies, this week I'm gathering with my day job peers. I’m stuck in an Orlando conference center, spying an occasional palm tree through the window, and trying not to find the Christmas carols, oversized gingerbread houses, and 80 degree weather too weird.

Between the day job, building a house, dealing with the flood, keeping an eye on my latest release and promotion--and oh yes! the holidays—writing time has evaporated. Instead of becoming frustrated, I’ve decided to consider it a chance to gather my thoughts. To allow the plot points of the next Holly and JC book to simmer. To let the characters nag at me to tell their story.

Strange as it may seem, I'm looking forward to the six hour flight back to Washington state when this conference ends. Six hours without email or a ringing phone. Sounds like writing heaven to me.

What about you, my writing friends? Are you finding time to write? (Do share how you manage that!)

My reading friends? Is curling up with a book a respite or a vision as fleeting as a Thanksgiving turkey's lifespan or a sugar plum fairy?

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