Old creepy hotels in the South in July are well … hot. Swelteringly hot. The Crescent Hotel has window air conditioning units in the guest rooms but the rest of the hotel is dependent on ceiling fans and cold spots created by ghosts.
Yep, ghosts.
First let me report that I didn't see any ghosts. I don't think I heard any ghosts. And I probably didn't sense any ghosts. You'll note that I'm a lot more definite about not seeing any manifestations, orbs, or unusual shadows.
We went on the Ghost Tour on Tuesday night, our second night, at the hotel. Starting at 8:00 P.M. a psychic with an intricate knowledge of the hotel's history led a group of twenty or more through the hallways and basement of the 1886 Victorian hotel.
Originally a resort hotel, it later became a women's college and dormitory, then a cancer clinic run by a charlatan, and again a hotel. Aside from a stone mason killed in an accident during construction and a young student who went off a balcony to her death, most of the reported ghost sightings involve patients from the hotel's infamous cancer hospital days. Dr. Baker, a self proclaimed physician despite no medical training, cruelly butchered, through experimental surgeries and treatments, and generally swindled thousands of cancer victims. Many are buried or cremated on site. Check here for more details about the hotel's history and ghost sightings.
The tour lasted more than two hours. I had plenty of time to watch for ghosts and to watch the people in the group watching for ghosts. By far the people watching was the most interesting. The demographics of the tour group ranged from 2 to 70-plus years in age, from male to female to uncommitted. All were busy with digital cameras trying to catch a spirit appearance. The two-year-old did a lot of running and screaming down the hallways. I had a feeling that if a ghost had shown up, the toddler would have had company.

Personally I think the ghosts were absent because of the heat. It felt like a 110 F in the non-air conditioned lobby and hallways. What self-respecting ghost would choose to suffer those temps when they could be out in the gardens or the pool scaring humans?
Okay – so I didn't see any ghosts on this trip. And I mentioned above that I don't think I heard any ghosts. The reason I'm not as sure about the audio encounters is that between the organic noises of the old building (banging elevator, creaking floors, unbalanced ceiling fans, sounds from substandard plumbing, noisy window air conditioner units turned to the "freeze please" setting, etc.) and the loud voices of flesh and blood guests who'd spent too much time in the bar, I wouldn't have been able to hear a ghostly whisper, moan, or groan if my life depended on it.
Okay – the first night I might have heard metal gurneys from the 1930s being pushed back and forth in the hallways. Or more likely, I heard the sounds of living guests pulling their wheeled suitcases over the wooden floors. I had a digital audio recorder with me. And like the investigators on Ghost Hunters, I had planned to sit in my empty room, turn the recorder on, and then ask if any ghosts wanted to talk to me. But … I kept thinking, what if they did? What would I do if I asked a question and got an answer? How would I react? My world view would be changed. My religious beliefs would be challenged. And most importantly, I would have had to pack up and find a Holiday Inn in the middle of the night. I decided it was better to leave the recorder in my purse.
So no visuals. No sounds. What about sensing ghosts?
When I was in the basement (the location of the old operating and autopsy rooms) with the tour group, the keys I had in the pocket of my slacks, moved.
It felt like someone had passed a magnet by my hip and the metal hotel key and metal fob clanked together and moved away from my body. It was a strong enough sensation that I asked the tour guide if there were magnets in the area. He said, "No. Ghosts like to play tricks with keys." He told me that I'd been "touched."
I'm not so sure. I'm a born skeptic. But I admit the possibility forced me to sleep with a light on my last night at the hotel.
Will I go back? Probably not. At least not in the summertime. Maybe Halloween?
Even though I didn't leave with concrete proof of ghosts, I did leave with a good story. For a writer, that's all that matters.
Evelyn David
Oh Shoot! No ghosts?! I was hoping for ghosts!
ReplyDeleteBut aren't old hotels wonderful and fascinating (except for the no air conditioning thing!)?
Perhaps, if you decided to continue your ghost hunting, you'll find yourself in Boone taking a look at the Green Park Inn - (http://www.greenparkinn.com/). Let me know, O.K.?!
Thanks...now I'm completely freaked out. I totally believe in all of the ghost stuff that's been put out there, thanks to an Irish grandmother who perpetuated every myth and stereotype with every story she told us. (Hey--I think I've got Wednesday's post now!) Evelyn, you're a very brave woman...what was your brother's take on all of this? Maggie
ReplyDeleteHi Kaye and Maggie,
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely check out the Inn. I want to learn more about the whole subject of ghost hunting. It's fascinating. And will give me some great material for the next Evelyn David book.
My brother thinks he needs a smaller camera and a bigger memory card - i.e. he thinks the ghosts were there, he just wasn't fast enough on the draw to catch them!
aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David
Because we're eager to see ghosts I think is the reason we don't.
ReplyDeleteWhile at Epicon on the Queen Mary lots of photos were taken during the award ceremony with ghost orbs present--lots. You can feel the presence of something on the QM. They have a ghost tour too, but it's phony though fun. Where I felt something was when I was alone in the corridors of the ship.
I love traveling and creepy hotel, ghost stories too. I remember staying in this one hotel that smelled, phew! I bet you've got even more horror stories. SInce Working for Hampton I've heard a few in my day, lol
ReplyDeleteCheck out this funny video, called "Ballad of a Traveler":
This guys is F-U-N-N-Y he definitely has been through the wringer.
Hi Sarah,
ReplyDeleteLoved the youtube video. Very funny. Definitely next time I'll consider staying at Hampton Inn.
aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David
I love getting freaked out. In fact, I have kind of freaked myself into a "fraidy cat", so my sister gave me a book, thinking that it would ease my nerves and strengthen my understanding of the paranormal.
ReplyDelete"Their Way Home", by Melissa Van Rossum, who is a psychic and ghost guide, wrote an amazing book that has now put me on a new path.
I am no longer afraid. Just amazed.
Loved this post. Being a believer, I do tend to spend more money on contemporary hotels...Long Live Holiday Inn. I am not so much in the liking of being freaked. Having lived in a haunted house...had my fill!
ReplyDeleteThanks Melissa for the tip about "Their Way Home." I'll have to check it out.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks Karen for reading the blogs at Stiletto Gang. Someday you'll have to tell us about the haunted house you lived in.
aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David