Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Why I Wrote Missing in Miami by Kathryn Lane

Location is important in my novels, yet it is only the setting. It does, however, dictate the type of story that can take place. By selecting Miami and Havana,  I had to delve into the creativity pool in my frontal cortex to select a topic bursting with possibilities for a new and interesting storyline. A storyline that would entertain readers and keep them guessing about the bad guys.

To be released on Amazon: eBook - Feb 23
Paperback Feb 21 

Stem cell therapy gave me a platform where I could build an interesting medical angle and include medical tourism as a subplot, adding the risks and rewards that such therapy can bring to those who undergo treatment. Add then a teenager in need of stem cell therapy. When she disappears, my protagonist, Nikki Garcia, is hired to try to find her.

Nikki calls on her husband’s expertise as a medical doctor to help in the case. Of course, her boss, Floyd, is there to provide access to law enforcement agencies and their information gathering. Bring in a cast of characters, locations, and situations that Nikki must maneuver.

And the hunt is on!

At some point along the path of writing a novel, something wonderous takes hold. I realize the magic is coming from somewhere outside of myself, as if the characters are directing the story. And they always make it better!

The twists and turns of a mystery novel are my favorite part of writing. I hope you will also find it fun to follow the labyrinth Nikki must travel in Missing in Miami.



Happy Lunar New Year!

NOTE: If you’d like to write an advance review, contact me at KathryLaneAuthor@gmail.com and I will send you a free copy of Missing in Miami through Book Funnel. The review needs to be posted on Amazon on February 23, the day of the eBook launch. In the review, you can mention that you received an advance copy of the novel to write a review. If you also wrote a review on BookBub and Goodreads, I’d appreciate it so much! Thank you to my Stiletto Gang friends who have already told me they will write a review!! 😊


  1. Great new book. You can pre-order eBook now. Go to Amazon and type in title. My favorite author.

  2. Okay, SOLD. Sounds like a rich and riveting plot. Off to pre-order.

    1. Donnell, thanks! I've been so busy with the book launch that I failed to answer in a timely manner. From my heart to yours - thank you!

  3. Like Donnell, I'm sold. :-) Off to pre-order my copy.

  4. Thank you so much! Missing in Miami was published yesterday. Thanks for helping to make the launch a success. Happy reading!!


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