By Cathy Perkins
I had to go to LA for the day job this week. At LAX, I
trotted out to Ground Transportation. I’d heard LA didn’t allow Uber drivers in
the ground transportation aisle (where the nine million shuttles and taxis
wait), so I grabbed a taxi to head to my meeting. The driver shot away from the
curb before even asking my destination.
Who knows, maybe he was afraid his fare
would escape.
After pulling up the street address from my email and
sharing the location with the driver, I opened an app to track our path to the
destination. The driver was livid and told me in no uncertain terms that he
didn’t want me telling him where or how to drive. Or that I thought I knew
better than he did how to get where we were going. There might have been a few
other “rules” thrown around, but I’d quit listening by that point.
I’m still not entirely sure what his actual objection was,
but I muted the sound and left the app running. Okay, part of the reason I run
the route app is security. I’m in a city I don’t know well, with a person I
don’t know the first thing about. And
he’s not exactly making me feel safe as he drives like a maniac, squeezing into
non-existent gaps in traffic, alternating between sixty and zero in shoulder
wrenching seconds. (Yes, I put on my seat belt!) The other reason for running
the app is to put names to the streetscape flowing past my window. Oh look.
That’s Marina Del Ray with all the fabulous boats. I didn’t know Loyola
Marymount University had a campus here. It’s lovely.

The Uber driver’s car was new and spotless. The driver
himself was charming. In spite of what you may have read about some
disgruntlement among Uber drivers, this guy loved his job. He drove full time,
but set his own hours and avoided the late afternoon crush of LA’s notorious
traffic. I got the impression he spent most afternoons at the beach before
returning to the streets for several more hours of evening driving. (Great way
to get home from a club or restaurant if you’ve like to have a glass of wine
with dinner.)
The other information he freely shared was his business
structure. Because he’s been with Uber for over four years, his percentage of
the fare has increased from 80% to 90%. With his portion of the proceeds, he
covers all his own expenses, including the decision to upgrade (and afford) the
car he was driving. His positive ratings from passengers apparently also move
him up in the ranking for notifications in his area when he’s looking for his
next fare.
In the waiting area at LAX, I couldn’t help but compare the
two transportation modes to the evolving status of publishing. Taxis and
traditional publishing seem established and “safe” while Uber and independent
publishing seem riskier. That risk level in the newer technologies drops,
however, as the concept grows and evolves.
So how does transportation compare with publishing? While a
few big names still pull in significant advances from traditional publishers,
midlist authors have been cut left and right. Royalty rates are puny and print
runs are decreasing. On the plus side, the publisher covers most of the
production costs for the book. Likewise for the taxi driver, the rate of pay is
reduced, but the cab company pays more of the expense—which sometimes means a
sleek towncar and at others, a rust-bucket you hope makes it to your
destination. The author may be assigned a top notch editor and talented cover
artist, and receive superb marketing placement. Or he or she may end up with a new
untested editor and little publisher support.
Like the Uber driver, the independent author can potentially
earn a much larger royalty but also must cover his or her business expenses.
The author has the choice of where to spend and how much capital to allocate.
New car/clean up the existing vehicle? Hire a top notch editor/ask a friend to
beta read? What can the author competently handle and where is it better to
hire experienced assistants? Each step has financial repercussions. And each
person must make the career choice they feel is correct for them.
The most important decision the author (and driver) must
make however? What will give the passenger/reader the best experience?
Because isn’t that what it’s all about?
By the way, I’m sure you’ll be surprised to hear that next
time I’m in LA, I take Uber rather than stepping into that taxi.
award-winning author of financial mysteries, Cathy Perkins writes twisting dark
suspense and light amateur sleuth stories. When not writing, she battles
with the beavers over the pond height or heads out on another travel adventure.
She lives in Washington with her husband, children, several dogs and the
resident deer herd.
Visit her at her website or her Amazon author page.
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