Pampered Pets Mysteries

Also, there were a bunch of folks who'd never heard our stories. So, the ups and down of a collaboration agreement, the challenge of picking a pseudonym, and tales of our travels (and the fact we accidentally went to Michigan) were all new to them.
They were amazed that our tenth book had just been released. Frankly, we are, too. Where did the time go?
The re-telling of some of our adventures served to remind us that though a lot of hard work was involved, a lot of fun was had as well. It also reminded us of the people who helped us along the way. If we didn't remember to say "thanks"along the way, we're saying it now.
From our very first Malice Domestic to multiple Bouchercons and Left Coast Crime conferences, the mystery community welcomed us and continues to be amazing. We're grateful for all the wisdom shared, advice offered, and tips over coffee or drinks. Sometimes tips on things that, at the time, we didn't even know we were going to need to know. You knew - and you were generous and genuine. And we thank you.
Mystery Writers of America , Sisters in Crime, and Novelists, Inc. provided and continue to provide support and professional development opportunities that keep us moving, learning, and stretching our writing muscles. We are thankful for our memberships in those groups both on the national and local level. and would like to send our thanks to the people who power them.
With the launch of book ten, we have to tell you that it's been a journey packed with more than we ever imagined. And as we reflect on the path from book one to book ten, we'd like to offer a big thank-you to everyone who helped us, supported us, and joined in the fun!
Sparkle Abbey is the pseudonym of mystery authors Mary Lee Woods and Anita Carter. They picked Sparkle Abbey as their pen name on this series because they liked the idea of combining the names of their two rescue pets – Sparkle (ML’s cat) and Abbey (Anita’s dog).
The Dogfather, book #10 in the series, is just out. If you'd like to keep up-to-date on Sparkle Abbey news, stop by the website and sign up for the newsletter..
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