By Kay Kendall
Yes, of course, I admit
to rushing the season. Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza are all more than two
months away and here I am, discussing holiday gifts. Although on the one hand I’m
irked at the Christmas decorations going up so early all around Houston, on the
other hand I shopped online today for gifts. It was such a snap that I bought more than half of my Christmas gifts in less than two hours.
Ah, the ease of the
online wishlist. I have battled against the wishlist concept for several years.
Now I’ve succumbed. I give up. I’m going with the times.
If you happen to be over—let’s
pick a number—forty (as I am), then you recall when things were different. You
tried to surprise the gift recipient—surprise and delight. I picked up my joy of
gift giving and wrapping from my maternal grandmother who reveled in every
aspect of gifting.
In the decades of my boomer youth, I watched her
decorate packages so imaginatively. She could have hired on for Neiman Marcus—a
store back in the day that did elegant gift wrapping. (Their efforts today are
a sad, pale imitation, fie!) What my grandmother could not do—not to save her
very soul—was to keep her gifts a secret. She got so excited that she just had
to give you hints--hints so major you could easily figure out what
your gifts would turn out to be. I took such pleasure in her enjoyment that I
didn’t mind.
Perhaps the idea of
telling Santa what you wanted for Christmas grew into the concept of wishlists.
But the wishlist of today has more power. Woe be to you if you give your under-forty
offspring something that is not on his or her wishlist. I fought against using
wishlists until a few years ago a dear friend said she had given up trying
to surprise her offspring with delightful gifts. Instead she chose from
the dreaded wishlist or gave gift cards. There was no pleasing her
grandchildren or children otherwise.
This friend's example was my first glimmer hinting at a mass societal change. A generational difference, clear and simple. And
that’s when I threw in the towel.
But I remember a different
time. I recall a December when I was a graduating high school senior. How I
wanted several Beatle albums and 45s to add to my collection. When any grownup
relative asked what I wanted for Christmas, “Beatles please” was my instant answer.
Meantime my mother and grandmother
would sit in the kitchen making cranberry loaves, fudge, and mounds of cookies...all the while talking about the Christmases of their youths. My mother said she’d been
pleased with mandarin oranges and pecan nuts in the toe of her Christmas
stocking, back in the 1930s. My grandmother recalled helping her mother go into
the farmyard in Ohio and select a goose for neck twisting, in the first decade
of the twentieth century--the holiday meal to be! I loved their quaint tales of
the good old days. (Probably these stories helped grow my lust for history.)
The following week saw
the morning of December twenty-fifth dawning. I went into the living room with
my parents (I, an only child, admittedly a tiny bit or more spoiled). I had expected
to call this my very own Beatles Christmas. But it was not to be. Arrayed in
front of the brightly lit tree was a set of three luggage pieces.
“You’re going off to
college next year,” Mother explained, delight shining in her eyes. “We knew you
could use some nice suitcases.” I murmured what I hope sounded like a sincere
thanks but kept eyeing other presents, looking for the telltale signs of even
one 33-long-play album lying under the tree branches. But John, Paul, George, and
Ringo were nowhere to be found.
All was not lost however.
My paternal grandparents sent a check that I promptly cashed and turned into
the longed-for Beatles albums. But, oh, the rush of emotion, up and down, the
dramatic upheaval.
Things are so different
now in the high season of gift giving. Well
something’s lost but something’s gained in living every day. That’s the way
the song goes, Joni Mitchell’s beloved “Both Sides Now.”
So then, what’s your
opinion of the wishlist phenomenon? What do you remember about gift giving and
receiving in the “good old days?” What’s the routine at your house? I’d sure love
to know.

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